Thursday, February 28, 2008


Zoe and I landed safely in Taipei, Taiwan on Friday, 2/22/08 after 15 hours on the plane. Amazing, we did not kill each other.

My cousin, Sandy, and her husband, Andy, met us at the airport and promptly whisked us to my aunt and uncle's home. My relatives, including the newest addition, Bao Bao, Sandy and Andy' 10 month old daughter, were waiting there for us with a welcome feast! It was so nice to see everyone again after being apart for over 10 years. We spent the weekend trying to get acclimated to the area. The sights and sounds of the market was definitely an eye opener for Zoe. She got a chance to ride on a moped and sample some new fruits and treats. I have not had stinky tofu yet but did catch a few whifs from various food stalls in the neighborhood.

With my uncle as my personal escort, I met with Robin Winkler, the founder of Wild At Heart Legal Defense Association,, on Monday. We discussed the various projects that the group is currently working on. Everything from promoting cycling and use of public transportation to composting and organic agriculture. There are endless projects for my choosing so I am hoping to absorb as much as possible as I embark on my environmental internship courtesy of my empolyer, Patagonia.